Sunday, 16 December 2007


Well I took a tumble yesterday...not riding but taking AliG out for his walk would you believe it!
I started the morning off with great intentions of taking Ali for his walk then riding Polo as it was such a nice day and I had plenty of time to potter on.
Was in the fields with Ali and tried a little trot and he refused to move again so did a little circling then asked him to trot again went into trot straight away so pat then walked.But I couldnt leave it there could I and wanted to reinforce if he doesnt do it first time he would have to work harder in a circle.Anyway he refused to move again so on the circle he went and then im not really sure if he slipped or hit a deep bit of the field,panicked somehow ended with his backend to me and was off and running. I hung on for dear life with at that angle I had no chance of stopping him and got dragged off my feet.
Luckily there's only one way out of the field and he ran in the opposite direction towards horses in field so I legged it to the only bit he could get out onto the lane to see if he'd turn in that direction or was was calm and would stay put.
He stayed put but was looking a me coming towards him with a bit of a sheepish look on his face so I caught him and quietly walked home.
I honestly thought I was going to die as i'd run so fast I felt that bloody feeling in my throat and kept coughing,my side was a bit sore so I decided not to tempt fate and ride Polo.Still a bit icy on the lane so I figured the way my luck was going Polo would skid and fall over!:-0

So lesson learned rope work will have to be done in an 'enclosed' area (this is when I wish we had a school) going to have a week long reining him next week,luckily my brother is on holiday for the week-RESULT:))

I was very stiff this morning,get whiplash at the drop of a hat,my arms hurt and my side so they had a few hours in the stable while I went for my Christmas shopping.Dont think spending the night cleaning and putting polish on my floor helped matters.

few pics...would you say living out agrees with them?!?:))

and doing what they seem to do best...eating!


Claire said...

oh dear! in the ice as well? would have been better if it had been muddy - you'd have got horridly wet but it wouldn't have hurt QUITE that much.

at least you didn't get trodden on as well...

cptrayes said...

They look like they're absolutely starving to me Nicola :-)

Hope you're OK!


Nicola said...

Yep they look shocking dont they!:)))