Sunday, 23 December 2007

Oh be quiet!

Had a good ride on Polo yesterday with YO.He wound himself up a bit as we passed a huge bunch of horse's from the riding school heading home and he does like to show off when he see's other horse's.Nothing too bad just hurrying and bouncy which if your not carefull can lead to him looking for something to shy and spin at,Ryan said use the energy when he's like this to channel it so I asked for a nice outline and 'played' a bit which almost resulted in a bit of under no illusion I could get anything like this at any other time:)))
We had a good gallop up the hill home,hurdling the styles flat out..that was fun!

I then took AliG for a walk in-hand,the school was busy and didnt have anyone to accompany us long reinging,so decided a walk was better than nothing.
Now Jo had just gotten a pony on loan as a suprise christmas present for her little daughter so Ali and Polo have spent the last couple of days gazing at it over the fence(keep telling them its a boy).Well as we left the yard Ali proceeded to whinny loudly right in my ear with the pony shouting back at him.A little way up the lane he was walking like crab,totally focused on everything but me!He then whinnied for about the fourth time right in my ear so he got a slap on the nose with the end of the lead rope much to his shock,he almost went to winny again so I lifted to rope and he actually stopped mid whinny:))
He then walked lovely for the rest of the way..clever aint he.

Today I had a turf out...sorted both their stables and had a re-arrange,cleaned out my storage area and poo picked so didnt have the inclination to do anything else after this.


Jean said...

Glad Polo enjoyed himself. Maybe you will get the passage without all the extra "air time" if you keep practicing. *G*

AliG is getting to that silly stage. Still a good boy to listen to and accept your disclipine, though.

Merry Christmas!

cptrayes said...

Tee hee - stopping mid whinny must have been very funny. I'd love to have seen his face :-)