Thursday, 12 June 2008

Time bomb of what!

Ive replied re the saddle on my last post:)

Well I rode Polo today and it was like sitting on a ticking time bomb..couldnt tell you if he was sound or not he was that hyper and bouncy!
Took him in the school for a gentle walk around,well that was the plan, I figured this would be better on his legs.Im not sure what got him so worked up but there was a mare with a new foal in the small paddock next to the school that he seemed fascinated with.He can do ANYTHING when he's in this mood so I suppose he did well holding himself together and not dumping me,he was chomping on the bit like demon.
I'd almost forgot how sensitive he is to the seat seems so long since I rode him, despite him being seriously wound up a slight shift and he was changing directions I just stuck to circles,loops and serpentines then called it a day after 20/25mins.

I then re-stacked my shavings and cut down a ton of dock leaves and weeds in the field,remind me why I pay livery?.
My brother came up to go out longreining with AliG we went out for well over an hour and my feet were killing coming home.He was a good boy walked out well apart from the odd grab at grass,we went down the steps onto the road then round a back up the hills which was HARD,he had a little spook at a bus but it did hurtle past us apart from that he was great.
We had a near miss coming round the corner not far from the farm.I could see the car coming down the lane pretty fast just as we were approaching the corner I was totally helpless as I didnt have time to move Ali and tuck him in so I stopped and literally stood shouting waving my arms.The drive saw us at the last minute and slammed his breaks on luckily just in time I was terrified and did a good deal of swearing,bless him AliG didnt flacker!
Drive apologised but I see him flying up and down the lane all the time as he works at the garage which is on the yard owned by the same guy who has the livery yard,I'll have a word with him next time I see him.

Feeling very smug and satisfied with myself tonight!


Claire said...

can't believe anyone would dream of going fast up that lane, what a total idiot....

Jean said...

People who drive the same roads over and over tend to be more careless.

Polo must have been an exciting ride. Wise of you to take it easy and quit early. No sense in taking a chance on his "bomb" actually exploding. Seems to be the silly season.

cptrayes said...

I sprayed my hat flourescent yellow two weeks ago and ride in a hi viz jacket or polo shirt (long sleeve to make me as big as possible) depending on the weather and the boys wear a flourescent sheet too. It makes a heck of a difference how quick they see you. It sounds like you were very lucky

Nicola said...

The lads from this particular garage fly up and down the lane all the time one of them nearly ran M off the road a couple of weeks ago.
The know their are kids riding up and down the lane yet they persist in fleeing about..crazy!

Polo did quite well Jean a few years ago he wouldnt have been able to contain himself.