Thursday, 19 June 2008


Jill phone me today about the Vogue and said the saddle is most definitely all wrong,the girth straps had been put on too far back the left flap was an inch further forward than the right basically its all out a balance and is going in the bin!
Im going back to a standard Fhoenix as im not prepared to risk ordering another Vogue, with the various changes they've made im not convinced it will fit.

Ive had to take the muzzles off the past two nights they were rubbing and making their faces sore.Im going on the hunt for some cheap sheepskin to line and pad them out.Luckily YO had topped the field so there's less grass at least until I can get the muzzles sorted.
Ive done nothing with the boys this week other than trim feet,Monday seemed to wipe me out and ive not been able to catch up on sleep so ive just not had the energy to do very much i'd better get cracking this weekend!


Jean said...

Ok, you're making me feel a little less guilty for not riding much either.

I found a muzzle for Toby, my cribber, that did not rub. I will look around the 'Net when I get a chance to see if I can find one like it. Not sure, though, how much grass eating it would limit.

Not so good about the Vogue. Kind of disturbing that the construction quality was so bad. Wonder what happened in the shop? I would have hoped that would have been checked before shipping. Don't blame you for being shy about ordering another one. Better to go back to what you know will work.

cptrayes said...

That Vogue hasn't been properly tested either, has it? There is an obvious design flaw in the cut of the flap, because even before it's ridden in it bunches up behind the rider's thigh, there is simply too much leather there.

I sent an asymmetric saddle back to Heather (the first I bought). She said to me airily, which I found gobsmacking at the time "oh yes, Nursey's don't understand the need for symmetry with horses". Pardon me but isn't that why they have an EE badge, so the sheepskin coat manufacturer is told what horses need? Where's the QA at that factory? - those things sell at £1100 each!


Muriel said...

Yep C, that is what I keep point it the "big fold" scruntch behind teh rider thight.
I think Nicolahas already replied that the saddle needs "unfolding" or something ????

I am not convince. I am going back to the WOW saddle.

Good News for AliG, He must enjoy your work ^-^