Im being very hit and miss re this blogging malarky but ive been very busy cleaning quite literally EVERYTHING thats crossed my path!
The dogs have had a bath...ive been through my house doing windows,floors etc.....and today the stables have been emptied and powerwashed:)
Im having bother with my new treeless (Vogue)so after much discussion and Claire bringing her Fhoenix for me to take 'compare' pics its going back to get checked over.Im hoping its faulty cos if not then its simply not right for either of my two and im not sure whether i'll be stuck having to re-sell it and end up going back to the Fhoenix which will be a pain!
Im borrowing M's SBS this week cos nothing else fits AliG he's that wide I am going to continue with the long reining too as I think its done wonders with him, he so much more forward and seems to be enjoying his work.
He was funny yesterday I lunged him in the field.He was obviously having a bad day or couldnt be bothered and had a right strop on which invariably leads to working much harder than i'd ever ask:))
The weather isnt great today,rain, but im hoping tomorrow to ride Polo and maybe longrein AliG out if my brother is free....
What's different about the Vogue that it doesn't fit???
Its just wrong ...really difficult to explain whats going on but it just doesnt seem to sit right on either of them.
Its built up to give it more twist but when I put it on it seems to be tipping me back and putting my legs right to the back of the flaps unless I move the saddle further down the back.But then the girth grove is too far forward which in turn pulls the saddle forward so im tipped back again.
I'll email you some pics if you'd like a look?
Well the photo with Trish on it did not look right. But nobody said anything. It looked like that was a fold of the leather at the back of the saddle i.e saddle bending away from the horse ... Maybe it was just a shadow.
Anyho if I understood correct what people' report on many forum teh SBS was good but the others not so...
forgot to add ... Spring cleaning eh?
Do you want to help me?
I've heard various reports about the vogue I have to say. It sounds like yours is no different to the others.... The making it higher at the front to suit high withered horses was a mistake I think. I'd imagine thats part of your issue if your horse is flat and wide. Did you have problems with the fhoenix too? I think the two saddles are hugely different. Yes any one you get new needs plenty of time bedding in, but I don't think the vogue is ever going to suit round flat horses.... it just doesn't sit the same. I hope you can get it sorted!
No comment on the Vogue. I am an Ansur fan and have had no fitting issues on any of my horses. Not sure what the differences are.
When you finish your cleaning there, do paddle over the pond and come to my house. I could use an entusiastic person to get me cleaned out. *sigh*
Isn't it amazing how the time we have always seems to fill up with things to do? Hope you manage some VACATION time in there.
I thought the Fhoenix was a hugely better saddle than the SBS, just not suited to really hard work.
It sounds like a problem with whether it got enough testing, timewise and horse variety wise. It was marketed pretty much as soon as it was developed.
That must be a heck of a worry for you because if it's not "faulty" it was terribly expensive.
Well luckily it does have quite a bad glueing fault so if even if the saddle isnt wrong as such that hopefully will give me grounds to return it.
Ive had a word with Jill who's being really helpfull even though she's not 'doing' the saddles anymore.Anyway I asked if there'd be a chance I could swop it for a standard Fhoenix and they refund me the difference...she's going to ask.
I think Jane (hello!) has hit the nail on the head the new style simply isnt going to be right for flat wide horses if my experiences are anything to go by.
I didnt have any problems with the Fhoenix I just liked the look if the Vogue thinking the changes were more to do with the seat,appearance etc. I didnt realise the changes would affect the actual fitting quite so dramatically.
Although it doesnt look right on Polo either he is wide but he's got withers and is what you'd say is a more typical shape.
Im mad with myself for not just sticking with what I had,if it aint broke and all that....gggggrrrr!
i reckon it's a rogue vogue, and should go back on that basis (there's a fault, subtle but there to see)
but i reckon it (well, not this particular one) would be perfect on the molly mare! who, as has been pointed out, is really "tear drop" shaped.
Hi Nicola,
We have sold the Vogue to many very satisfied clients, including two of the flattest, widest horses I have seen in a long time.
We had also for some time, been making the old Fhoenix to special order with a higher pommel and cantle. It worked so well that it was a natural step to include it in the Vogue. My Hispano Arab Fanta, is very flat and wide, and his made to measure St Merryn saddle used to have to have a piece of non slip shelf liner material under it to prevent it slipping. The Vogue is absolutely stable on him, even if he does a bullfight spin.
I use the Vogue on all my horses now, in preference to the Standard Fhoenix, as it is considerably narrower in the twist for me, and they have never gone better.
It is very unusual for a 'rogue' saddle to slip through Nurseys hands. We still pride ourselves on good customer service, and also Nurseys have a very good reputation for putting anything right if there is a mistake.
Unlike many saddlers I have dealt with, Nurseys integrity and plain old fashioned honesty has been a breath of fresh air.
I am very sorry that you have had a problem, and if you care to contact me, I will deal with any complaint personally.
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