Friday, 13 June 2008

Nasty mummy!

Felt pretty mean this evening as I took the plunge and muzzled them both.Their weights are climbing despite coming in every day and making a track to restrict the grass so I borrowed Ellie's muzzles until I go a get some(you'll think im extra cruel when you see the colour!).
When I first put them on Polo looked totally baffled and was walking backwards as soon as AliG realised he couldnt graze properly he got pretty mad and started charging around...suppose thats burning more calories.
I poked grass up through the hole for them so they'd realise they could eat im hoping leaving them on all night isnt a bit long for the first time but after much head tossing,rubbing and galloping around they did seem to be getting the idea and going to the longer grass,Polo definitely has the wiggle going on to work the grass through the hole.I hung around for a good hour taking sneaky looks at them (as soon as they saw me they came running over doing the guilt trip) to make sure they were fine.

I rode them both this morning.Polo had a hack up the lane with the dogs,he was still very tense,hurried and sharp so I rode him up and down four times until I could feel him relax and drop into a 'proper' walk.Its difficult cos I cant give him a good trot or canter to take the fizz out of him as his soundness and the reasons behind his problems are still both in question..although seeing him gallop around the field makes you wonder how bad he is!

I then was going to take AliG in the school but as usual just as I was going over someone from the yard went in so I lunged him in the field first for fatburning/cardio then went for a hack we didnt go too far as I was running out of time but he was a good boy.

Oh the shame.........

Lets gallop they might fall of....


Claire said...


they do look funny!

at least i don't have that to worry about at the moment, molly's grass belly is subsiding nicely!

Jean said...

ooooh. Cutsie. On one hand you have to feel sorry for them, but on the other you know it's for the best. That grass looks really rich. No wonder they are getting fat.

Polo is certainly being energetic. You do have to wonder how lame he might actually be....unless he is behaving that way because he is a little sore and it's making him anxious.

Muriel said...

Thnaks for the pics of the Chubbies ^-^

Reagrding saddle : I went to see your photo on EE. Your Vogue has a fold like the one with Trish i=on it. What is it?

It looks like the Phoenix sits better than the Vogue ...

What do I know? My horses have not been ridden for years in these treeless saddles :-)
Aren't you going to get in trouble for complaininG ??? ....

Nicola said...

Not sure where the fold is that your talking about Muriel?Do you mean the skirt around the back that comes through onto the flap?
The skirt around the back is purely cosmetic and think its mainly due to the saddle needing 'breaking in' as such.I'll put some pics up later to get your opinions..with the Vogue on Polo too.

///Aren't you going to get in trouble for complaininG ??? ....///
Haha better not,at the end of the day its too much money not to complain if there's a problem!

Having the physio out put my mind at ease regarding the treeless,Polo's been ridden mainly treeless for the past 3/4years now and he said his back was great.
AliG's back was tight but physio felt that it was old.He reckons the majority of back soreness wont resolve itself or improve with rest,it needs manipulation.
He's given me some great exercises to do after riding to release their backs.
Polo loves them and does a huge cat stretch AliG wasnt keen at first but the more often I do them the happier with them he gets.

cptrayes said...

I've got the baby blue ones, I couldn't be so cruel as to buy the pink!!!