I promised I'd take my mum up to the vets with her recently aquired German Shepard dog for his vaccinations so I made the appointment for 9.40 am thinking I'd get up and down in an hour then ride and hopefully longrein Ali.
Ended up taking all morning cos the vet was running late,one of the reasons why I use this vet is he takes his time and doesnt act like its all about money(he was fantastic when Minx had to have her ceasarian) but it does tend to mean he's always running late. I then had my Mum panicking cos she couldnt find her house keys,luckily she found them still in the lock at the front door even more luckily no one had discovered them and burgled the house:0
I got some sedatives for Minx while I was there,she's terrified of fireworks so these should help with Bonfire night,trouble is they are going off already!
Time I got to the yard Jo was tacked up waiting for me so I quickly got Polo ready and went out for an hour,he nearly had two spins on me but its windy and he was good for the rest of the way so i'll let him off this time.
Didnt have time to long rein cos im back to work today ;(, im trying to find a 'walker' for tomorrow to come with us but im struggling up to now cos everyone seems to be busy or working...why cant I win the lottery {sigh} work does kind of get in the way of things I want to do;))
well that's the trouble with work ...
which vet? we go to lanchester for the small fry, no good for you i don't suppose - but amusing when I found my horse vet locuming (is that really a word?) there over the summer!!!!
My small animal vet appointments always seem to take forever too.
My horse vet is almost always on time. Go figure.
If you ever find the secret to winning the lottery, do let me know. That's my dream too. *G*
I use a vets in Hexham same one for the horse's.
He's a fab vet but not when your in a hurry!:))))
If only Jean if only....
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