Monday, 17 September 2007

Feel's like winter's on the way!

They both got out today for a hack today and it was freezing!

Rode Ali first with YO and another girl from the yard.He had a spook going under the fly-over as a wagon went over with something flapping loudly jsut as we were going under..I bounced in the air lost my stirrups thinking im off but he came straight back to me and I landed back in the saddle! Totally excusable the 24year old shot forward too,he calms down so quickly after a spook its unreal,Polo tends to escalate these things. We were out about and hour and a quarter, had a trot and a canter all nice and controlled,he walked ok of most of the ride but almost ground to a halt a couple of times.

Rode Polo next the other girl rode Ellie and YO went out on her other pone.Well needless to say Ellie has another fan and Polo was fab,when he's good he's hard to beat(why cant he be like this all the time!?!).He's totally unfit with the month off but lead all the way even though the hill nearly killed him on the way back.

Ive got a number of a possible new instructor going to ring her tomorrow hopefully sort a lesson for next week see whaat she's like..still sad Ryan left he was fantastic and really had Polo sussed.

Off to work on waking nights(joy)its until new peoples CRB checks are through but it earns me extra holiday's so not complaining.


Jean said...

Well, that was an exciting ride. Glad you landed back in the saddle. I hate the feeling of "air time," though.

Rode the erratice Tucker with Patrice Edwards today (she is from Britain.) He was, in your terms, a prat. Stopped over and over. Patrice is firmly convinced he has ulcers as his reactions and sensitivity are familiar to her as sympotmatic. Only mention it here as my research indicates some erratic behavior patterns can be linked to ulcers.

Considering Polo's emotion turn, have you ever considered that as a possibilty to explain his behavior??

Nicola said...

Thats really interesting re the ulcer idea Jean its not something ive ever considered.I suppose its something ive always assumed was more linked to competition horses fed high grain diet?
Polo has always led a very natural life with a high fibre diet.Polo is very sensitive to cereals in his diet a handfull of course mix can send him loopy.
What has your research come up with?Might be worth looking into.
Polo has been alot calmer since he's been on the Simple System diet which is no molasses,
cereals,preservatives etc.The supplement he's on from them is linseed,seaweed and brewers yeast which should be good for his digestion..i also top up with magnesium.