Wednesday, 30 July 2008


Had a lesson tonight and boy it was tough I was lathered by then end.
We were working on getting AliG's neck softer and more flexible, because of his build and thick muscled neck he's rather fixed it in(thats the best way I can describe it).We did lots of flexions alternating to the outside and inside on the left and right rein its was driving me mad cos I just couldnt seem to coordinate my hands and legs tonight.D did lots on the ground alongside us taking the reins to work us both through it we were getting there by the end but I was frustrating myself more than anything else.
Ive arranged one for next week to see if we are any better I think we were both a bit tired from the long hack yesterday i'll make sure I do some gentle work the day before the lesson next week see if this makes a difference.
They are tag teaming each other getting the muzzles off last night Ali kept his on and Polo got his off it was the reverse the day before!


Jean said...

Developing that flexibility takes a lot of repeated effort. You'll get it, though. You can do some work on the lines with it as well, and, of course, in hand. The famous carrot stretches will help too.

The more you ride AliG, the better he will become with the lateral suppleness. It just takes time.

Those muzzles are proving a problem. Wish there were some way to keep them on. How frustrating.

Claire said...

wish we'd had more time, i could have showed you what I was shown last Wednesday. The film of that session has retained it's sound LOL, I'll lend you it...

Muriel said...

Well you have super-grass ^-^

When asking a flexion do you ask for a yield of teh jaw? It is the solution, the horse yield his jaw, then all his bnody becomes soft., then you ask for a flexion. Other wise. he will set his jaw against your hand.

cptrayes said...

Big strong necks can be a problem!


Nicola said...

doh never thought to try it in the lines jean..will have a go tomorrow!
Polo is so flexible and bendy in the neck, im certain its Ali's big neck that makes it more difficult for him we'll get there. D did lots of yielding on the ground with him Muriel.
Guess what i'll be working on for the next week:)

Didnt do much horsey stuff today BOTH had their muzzles off this morning...grrr.
I was stiff so i figured Ali would be feeling the same.
They had a chilled out day in the stables while i started my summer hol's project ..decorating my staircase,got all the paper stripped today managed to pull lots of plaster off with it too:-0

cptrayes said...

I'nm not sure that Ali's neck makes it more difficult for him to flex it but it certainly makes it a darned sight easier for him to get out of doing it :-))) !


Nicola said...

Ok its harder for me:))))