Jo text me this morning to say she could ride if I could get there for 10am to try Ali out in the longreins in company.So I flew home from work got changed then dashed straight up the farm getting there bang on 10(makes a change as I spend my life being late for things!).We set off her niece came to riding Jo daughter's dinky pony so I thought it was a good tester.
All the way out Ali walked along quite happily,I can really see an improvement in his walk and stride length but thats beside the point:),we switched places between us to see if he'd do anything but nope.
Then sure enough we got to the same spot and he started again I'd watched him closely all the way so I didnt miss the first signs, it starts with his tail swishing then the ears go back.
Soon as his ears went back I growled at him he perked them up again for a couple of seconds then back they went so I walloped him hard on the backside with the whip,he shot forward then tried a rear which I stopped mid air by pulling hard on the right rein knocking him off balance.Jo on her horse got out the way by this point as I was worried i'd wrap them up in the longreins as we were a bit all over the place for a short time,he is so strong!
I then went into the center and positioned myself basicallyto lunged him using the outside rein behind his bum.I did this so Ali was trotting past Jo and her ned,the slightest hesitation or negative look at them go him a flick behind.
After 4/5 circles Ali had a look on his face which could only be described as worried,he was looking at me very submissively wanting to turn in and face me.
I asked him to halt then Jo came over with Sandy and stood next to him,he didnt react so we walked alongside to the end of the track then stood chatting and praising him while they stood together.
Jo leant over and was stroking him from Sandy and said next time she'll bring some treats to feed him from Sandy if he's been good.
So im pleased if it means he's going to be a bit 'scared' of me for a while so be it,the thing is he's been so well behaved and good the only time ive really had to repremand him was when he stood on me so this is obviously his 'issue'.Not that I want him to be scared of me but he has to learn the rules of going out with other horse's and that IM the one he should be thinking about.
I still can not figure out why he'll walk alongside happily for so long then at the same spot starts but at least I know if I keep taking him there that will trigger it and give me the opportunity to deal with it.
All the way home he was fine and when we got back to the yard I stood him next to Sandy and there was no me puzzled why he's not like that all the time?
I turned Polo then him out and watched them for a bit,its weird cos Polo was standing eating a pile of haylage and Ali walked around him then stood eating off the same pile.He didnt scowl or try to make Polo move he walked around...Polo's been top dog in many fields and when he walked up for something the other horse's were expected to move out the way yet Ali who is acting dominant doesnt do this...baffled!!
Good for you. Didn't manage a response to your last post, but I agree about the stallion behavior. Have a friend who was seriously hurt by a horse that had not been fully gelded and was acting that way. The rearing is what is most dangerous.
Kenny Harlow worked her horse in close company with another horse and seriously disciplined the stallionish guy every time he displayed even an inch of aggression. Some people watching were very upset by his harsh corrections, but he said the stallion must understand who is boss and what is acceptable and no acceptable.
AliG may be a bit worried about you now, but your first priority must be to keep you, other people, other horses, and AliG himself safe in company. Whenever he is the company of human beings, he must behave himself.It is that simple. You are absolutely on the right track.
Also, doing it the lines is a good starting point. It keeps you much safer and, if he rears and goes over, the only one to pay the price is him.
I think AliG is s good sort, but right now he is testing his limits. You are up to the task of straightening him out. Just be careful with those lines so you and everyone else doesn't get tangled.
odd that it's the same spot, though .... maybe there's some smell or something? some other male animal marking at that spot that alig can smell?
the other good thing is of course that he TOOK the correction!
well done.
How bizarre ! The same spot???
I have never heard of something similar. I agree with Claire, maybe a smell that triggers a memory or something.
Don't worry about him being a bit scared of you. He must know that you mean business when he is a thug.
Stallion behavior is not acceptable.
Too dangerous!
It has me completely baffled why he does it at that particular spot?There is a mare in the field but he happily passes a field full of mares to get there,plus he first reared up on Ellie at that spot who's a mare!
I'll get him along there again next week as soon as I can get someone to ride out with him.
I might try him along there by himself too see how he reacts.
He did get stroppy at Ellie at a difference place once also so maybe its the length of time out...i'll have to check the clock next time.
Its all very strange anyway!
I didnt ride today no excuses apart from the fact I was tired,stupid cos it was a lovely day. I hadnt planned on riding AliG anyway as I thought a day for him to mull things over wouldnt go amiss and im sure Polo wasnt losing any sleep over it:))
Polo had his third injection which went much better,put it into his chest this time he felt it but I was done before he had time to react..or stand on anything:0
I also did Ali's feet as the trimmer is poorly.
I'll probably take over from now anyway he needs doing more often than every 5weeks as his heels keep bouncing up and frogs are squidging over to the side.
He was much better behaved for me than he is for her too.He tried a few snatches of the foot away on the fronts and got smacked for it then stood good as gold,never moved the back feet so that proves he knows!
So it wasnt a complete waste of a day.
Well done, you're getting on top of it before it gets out of hand.
My guess at "the spot" is that is as far as he can get from home without feeling uncomfortable and that tips him over into some aggressive behaviour because he feels out of control. Jazz is the same with his try-it-on places.
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