My boss is ill and had the work laptop at home so NO internet all last week {sheesh}
I collected it on my way in tonight as he still has 'man-flu'
Lots of news and stuff going on so i'll probably forget most of it but i'd better start with the boy who's been the hot topic..well ONLY topic of conversation lately.
Buster has been on the meds nearly two weeks now,he's much much better and gets better as time goes on he still has 'some' bad days although nothing to how ill he has been.I spoke to the vet school last week with the 10day update and the vet is pleased with how things are going I have to ring at the end of the month with a further report then he'll probably have to go for blood tests to check the levels of the phenobarbital in his system.Those results will govern if his meds need to decrease,increase or stay the same.
So ive cautiously sent off his Crufts entry I couldnt wait any longer as the closing date was today if he's not right we wont go but hopefully with all of Jan and Feb on the meds fingers crossed he'll be okay!
Ive not mentioned pups for ages but a brief update is the little pup went to the girl who has Buster's brother just before Christmas apparently they are best mates already and we are planning on getting together at the beach this weekend so cant wait to see him.
I visited the other two pups this weekend and they are doing fab.The little girl is absolutely stunning it was a bit painful actually as I desperately wanted to keep her but she wasnt the best pup at the time and I had to go with my head and Peter's knowledge...this is why I wont put myself through it again!:))
Ted is doing very well, he's a very well behaved chilled type of pup,he's entered for his first show in Feb which is also Buster's practice run for Crufts.
Horsey news at last seems like its turned into doggy blog lately.
Anyway thoughout the recent chaos ive worked AliG pretty regularly.Polo isnt completely sound which im certain is down to tearing around while settling in and the hard ground we've had of late so im not panicking too much..I did have one sit on him in the school and he was extremely stressed,chomping on the bit like crazy,pretty much an explosion waiting to happen which didnt really suprise me I know it'll take him a good while to settle which will show if he has any pressure placed on him. He's had a couple of walks out inhand and been very good although he always is if he can follow me!
AliG has had about 5/6hacks and quite a bit of time in the school.He's a bit nappy and backing off the leg ALOT and threatened a few times to rear/buck although hasnt really followed it through.This has mainly showed up in the last week so I reckon its partly due to a mare being in season who he quite fancies.I thought he'd go backwards for a while so iam planing on doing a bit of longreining again as this worked brilliantly the last time, I do wish he was more off the leg in general though!
He has been very sensible out hacking, apart from being behind the leg on the way out,we've had no spooking or sillyness in that way.
Over all they've both coped far better than i'd imagined they would infact the YO and his wife told me at the weekend they are the best behaved horses on the yard,plus they now have regular horsey visitors crossing the river to join them in their field too so im positive I made the right move now.
Good for the boys settling in so well in the new yard. And already the best behaved horses there. Just goes to show how much all your work in hand has paid off!
I am pleased to hear Buster in improving. I was worried about how it might affect his show career. If you are still entering Crufts, I suspect you think he will be fine. I send more good vibes your way and of course, his.
It would have to be hard to see one of those sweet pups you loved so much but I think your little girl is in such a loving home you will simply have to smile about it.
If the epilepsy turns out to be 'for the rest of his life' rather than something has triggered it and he can come off the meds in the future then I could continue to show asl long as he's well in himself but obviously wouldnt think to breed him.
Which is such a shame as he has such a good head which is lacking in many Border's you see but i'd be really irresponsible to risk breeding pups would could develop epilepsy.
Incredibly he was clipped by a car today....I honestly can not believe it happened and have been shaken all day by it!
I was walking down the lane from the yard with them all when a jeep came towards us fast.I had all the dogs close but reached for Buster as I could see the car wasnt slowing down and he was stuck out a bit further (no path on the lane)I'll admit to panicking a bit when I saw the driver wasnt slowing so lunged for Bust and screamed for the car to stop which made Buster panic and go away from me.
He was sooo lucky as he bounced off the front wheel and has come away pretty much unscathed other than a snapped dew claw and slightly saw paw,although he could be more sore tomorrow when I get home.
I saw the house the woman drove into,no she didnt stop,so have told my yard owner about it.They are going to go and see her tomorrow as apparently she's nearly run them off the road on the horses twice but they hadnt know which house she lives at until now.
I couldnt have trusted myself to go as I was so angry i'd have lost it and probably gotten myself arrested!
Poor Buster just makes me upset when I think of everything he's been through then what 'could' have happened today:(
Was too shaken to even consider doing anything with the boys other than feed them...please lord can I have some trauma free time from now?!?!
OMG!! I am nearly as upset as you are! That is terrible! I so hope Buster is truly OK.
What an idiot! I do hope the yo talks to her, but I doubt it will really do anything. The mere fact that she didn't slow down when she saw a person--dogs or no dogs--proves she has no regard for anyone but herself.
May her tires go flat on the next trip out and may no one stop to help her. (I am sending the curse now!)
dear me!
you must tell me where the new yard is (postcode...) so i can come visit - and do I gather there's another EE member there/next door?
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