Monday, 26 January 2009


Hacked AliG out with my friend yesterday and today.She's in the process of doing groundwork and longlining with her unbacked mare and is now at the stage of venturing out and about and you guessed it Ali is the chosen 'sensible' companion for her!:)
Today he was walking out wonderfully, really striding out, I dont think I had to push him on other that when we stopped for cars and he half heartedly asked to turn for home but then got straight back into his stride.It felt like a 'proper' horse walk if that makes sense now it could be a fluke but i'd like to think not and the longlining is working:0
How many four&a half year olds would take on the role of nannying so fabulously,think he's earned the day off tomorrow.
Ive bought him a turnout hood as his mane is being rubbed away with the rugs and he needs a loving flowing mane if we are going to do the show in August,my friend's OH reckons he looks like batman will have to get pics he looks cute but embarrassed;))
Polo had another foot soak today as he has a bit of thrush, hardly surprisingly with all this mud, its the giggle of the yard that he'll stand quietly with two feet at a time soaking in buckets of borax.

Tomorrow ive got some sorting to do of my storage area ive been given a few pallets to get everything up off the ground,its now known as Aladdins cave as I have soooo much 'stuff'.


Jean said...

Isn't it amazing how much "stuff" you can manage to accumulate with horses. Just "stuff" is a perfect description of it too! *G*

Fantasic news about AliG...both in the striding out, and in his wonderful temperament allowing him to nanny the less experienced horse. Hacking out is a great way to "make" a horse too, so I'm glad you are both managing to make it out and about.

You are right to be proud of your boy.

Claire said...

you could try plaits. or those mane bags, people seem to be having some success with those!

Claire said...

have you run out of time again?