Friday, 5 September 2008

I'll make it quick just about to give puppies their last feed of the night then go to bed.

Well what can I say its rained all last night and today, HEAVY, its the beginning of September and I had to wear several layers and put the dog's coats on its been that bad ive had to knock my heating low too!
It doesnt seem to be bothering the boys too much I put some hay in the shed for them to eat if they go in for shelter overnight.
AliG has had two hacks this week and a session in the school.
Interestingly he had two small strops on each hack,literally a bit of head tossing and jogging, he responded well to being checked and was foot perfect after that.Anyway he's also been a bit footy over stones recently so what is the interesting bit you ask...well I ran out of magnesium approx two week and thought i'd see how they went without it.It may well be a totally coincidence lets be honest with all the rain i'd not be surprised if that was causing the footiness but it could be the lack of magnesium?Ive ordered some more.

Puppies are doing great, eating for England and taking up much more of my time i'll try and get some updated pics up over the weekend.I warn you they are even cuter:))) speaking of which they're now shouting for their supper............


Muriel said...

all about the Mg when Linda stopped being barefoot, by then I was using Global Herbs Supercalm, it worked like a treat.

So much rain! We have none :-(

Claire said...

all the wet will be softening their feet a bit as well, i would think... making them footy.