thats me at the minute!
Was working today looking after one of the girls from the college so her parents could go out for a meal for their wedding anniversary so didnt really have time or energy to do much horsey stuff they came in this morning then got put back out tea time WITH muzzles...well for how long they'll stay on!
The dogs needed a good run when I got home so took them all off to the beach with my brother,pics as promised Muriel:)
Pregnant little Mousey
Buster determind to get the stick(tree) from Zak
Minx and Sky both bringing the stick back
There arent any of my mum's other border Crag,he's on the lead tied round my waist cos he's a sod and tries to fight every dog he sees!
Even soggy, Mousie is a cute "mom to be!"
They look to be having such a grand time, I wish I were there with them. What a perfect place for them to play and swim.
I am smiling. Thanks!!
Yep Paradise for dogs and horses !
But Jean do not be fool! That water is FREEEEZING cold LOL.
Thanks very much for the pics ...
I really like Mousey' look ^-^
i just found the last 8 minutes of the video, film being made as i speak, and i'll try and email you it, depending on how big it turns up..
I want a beach!!!!!!
Ha ha move to Newcastle you get countryside AND beaches!:)
The water's not too cold at the minute Muriel..although that may just be because im a hard Northener?!?!
Thanks Claire
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