I was up most of last night with a chronic pain at the top of my back between my shoulder blades,ive had what I 'think' could be a trapped nerve in my shoulder for a week but for some reason it seems to have moved and was really painfull through the night!
Anyway this morning I thought I was going to have to go to hospital it was so bad but then as I got going seemed to ease up so I discarded that idea (hate doctors and hospitals and well any form of treatment).I got to the farm poo picked but doing it in several trips instead of one huge barrow then thought sod it im going to ride and if it gets worse I have to do something about it!
I took the dogs so walked along the lane leading them and Polo then got on at the start of the tracks telling Polo to go easy with me,which he did walking like a donkey which irritated me(poor lad cant win can he).We got down the hills so I moved him up into trot and kept thinking whats going on, I was having to push him forward all the time which isnt like him,he usually looks for an excuse to nap but doesnt grind to a halt.Well after a few minutes I looked down to his left side and mmm hadnt the exercise sheet come loose from the right strap so was trailing along dangling between his legs!:0 I totally forgot i'd put it on and had looked back earlier to check on the dogs and it wasnt over his bum then so it had been dragging for a while.We were really lucky he could have got in a right knot and fell,bless him he'd trotted along for ages with it dragging and did nothing other than try to stop...how they deal with my scattiness at times is beyond me!
He was much happier for the rest of the way for some reason:0 We had a cracking canter along the track.. Buster is FAST he kept up running alongside Polo, the girls were behind and caught up when we slowed down,they love coming out with the horse.
Im loaded up with painkillers and one of the lads has filled my hotwater bottle to put on my shoulders so fingers crossed sleep is on the cards tonight.
Its blowing a gale outside......
Oh dear. I went to the chiropractor today because my back was out. That's always the best remedy for me. Hope you are OK.
Bless Polo and his common sense about the sheet. Some horses might have panicked and tried to run away from it. He was really impressively sensible about it all.
Hugs to Polo.
Can't imagine those little pups keeping up on a ride but I surely know most terrier types are fast. Buster must be a real rip! I'd love to see the action. *G*
yep I will not advise you to go teh hopital in England, as I had a good taste of tehir skills, or lack of really. I had a big hate of hopital in the UK.
Find a good chiropractor with two moves, he will unblocked your nerve.
Buster is Fast if he can keep up with Polo ... good way to train both horse and dogs LOL!
Trapped nerve - ouch! Difficult to cure in the shoulder too. I hope you get some sleep. Wasn't Polo an angel with the sheet???
Slept a bit better last night the hot water bottle helped.Saw college physio this morning she said its muscular and to keep using the heat,if its still sore friday she'll refer me to a chiropractor. She cant actually treat me as she's employed to treat the children so its all about red tape really but if she gives me a contact then as least I know it'l b someone decent!
Polo's a funny one for sure he always suprises and keeps me guessing.
Borders were bred to keep up on a day's hunt, going down the hole for foxes.I tend to keep the faster work to short spells then let them catch their breath. But i was pretty suprised at how well Buster kept up we werent galloping but it was a good forward banter. They were still tearing around when we got back to the farm!
Was far too cold and windy to do anything today so they had a couple of hours in the stable with food&haylage..bet they were gutted:)
Wow, I didn't know the Borders hunted. I am pretty impressed with that. They are not long legged rangy dogs at all. No wonder they are so fast! It must be really fun to go out riding with them. *G*
A good chiropractor is a gift from on high. Amazing what a good adjustment can do!
They are there incase the fox goes to ground. Not sure how it all works hunting wise as they arent built for running flat out for miles like hounds but mine cope easily with two hours out with polo and still want another walk later!
Minx is a real hunter/killer..she's had good few rats,mice,couple of rabbits &will chase most other creatures we meet when out. They are fine with birds,thats not allowed(OH has racing pigeons &obviously we have chickens on farm) ..Buster looks to be heading the same way as her too.Ive never known a breed of dog with so much energy they are relentless!:))
Looked up a bit of Border Terrier history. The Border would run along behind the horses, not in front. But he might run along for the whole hunt. Apparently running behind the horses requires a special temperament--h-m-m-m-m, that sounds familiar. *G*
However, some of the terriers might be carried in a pouch by the "farmer" who was hunting. Maybe one of yours might like to go for a ride once in a while? *lol*
liz, the lass who bred molly and whom i bought queenie from, always had borders and her first one always went out with her on queenie if they were going somewhere safe for the dog...even round the field when she was jumping the cross country fences, the dog would scoot round behind. the problem came if she'd been shut in the stable and then got out....
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