Saturday, 26 January 2008

Defeated by the weather once again!

This week has been unbelievable heavy snow at the beginning of the week which turned to rain then the last few days we've had gales!
Wagon's overturned on the A1 and our gates blew off.

So done absolutely nothing with the neddifers this week.
Today it was still pretty windy but not gales so they both did some work.
First i hacked Alig. I felt it was quite a big ask for a green three year old as it was windy and he'd done nothing all week but decided to go for it.
He was pretty sensible considering there were some strong gusts and lots of things blowing around. He had one spook at a black bag blowing in the hedge.if he spooks it only seems to be at things that happen unexpectedly never when he can see it and think first. He did nearly fall down further along not sure whether he slipped or wasnt concentrating but he did a long skid on his front legs then pulled himself up. He continued on fine after this.
He got a little excited passing the riding school as all the horses were cantering round the school a few squeezes with the rein to say hey listen and he was fine.

I then took Polo in the school as it was empty. He was sharp and forward so i let him have 5mins trotting and cantering and a buck on a loose rein to let him blow off a bit of steam .
We them settled(ahem ish) down to some work continuing with the transition work as this really seems to get results with him. He was seriously lifting off his shoulders towards the end and working in quite a nice outline which is difficult for him. He was setting his jaw against me at times but i try to ignore that and as soon as he softens give the rein a little.
I did nearly come off at one time as some of the kids from the yard came shooting out on a quad. He spun sharply and plonker here hadnt checked the girth so the whole saddle slipped. He was nearly off in bronc mode but I growled stand and this seemed to check him and i managed to stand up in the stirrups straighting the saddle up.
Anyway pleased I managed to do something with them today and tomorrow is meant to be mild fingers crossed!

Muriel asked about my problems sleeping. I think the main reason i struggle is that I work split shifts so start work at 4pm then on shift till 11pm sleep over at work then up at 7am to get kids up and off to school finishing at 9. So I dont really get time to switch off before going to bed at work plus im stressed alot of the time! Difficult problems to get round.


cptrayes said...

Cor, close call on Polo! The only time I've fallen off Jazz is when the saddle slipped with a loose girth! And what a good boy Ali is.


Jean said...

Whew! Close call. Good thing it was Polo. It would worry me if you had slipped on AliG, not because he'd be bad, but because it would not be a good experience for him at this stage of his training.

Good for Ali to hold himself together with the wind and his own slip. He is quite a steady character.

Don't envy you that weather. Calm here, but you never know. *sigh*

Muriel said...

PMG, You have kids too !!!

I would have sworn, you were a young carefree woman with a passion with dogs and horses.

So You have an OH, kids, dogs, horses AND a job! Are you mad? How do you do it?
Where do you find the time???
No wonder you are stressed.
Maybe you ought to let go of something ... not OH or kids but slow-down !

Gosh unbelievable! What do the kids do when you are riding?
I can only ride when my son is at school, and not on weekend, because family has priority.

Nicola said...

Sorry Muriel I dont have kids myself..I work in a school with Special Needs kids im there well over 70hours per week (including sleep in's) so they nearly are my kids I suppose!
I do have an OH who I see occasionally:))

I would love a total change of career but i'd struggle to find anything with such good wages.Im not very good at finding a balance at times and usually OH comes last!

They were wrong about the weather,this morning anyway,when I got to the farm I was nearly being blown over when trying to poo pick so fed them and left them in for a bit and went home for more cleaning (kitchen top to bottom this time).Of course it died off later but i was committed to the kitchen by then...or should I say I need committing:)))