Sunday, 12 April 2009

We're on a roll!

Very succesfull time at the show yesterday Buster got ANOTHER FIRST and Ted got a second and a third,im entering him in a maiden or novice class ontop of the puppy one for practice.
Buster was fabby, he was in a very good and large class so I was chuffed to bits.Ted was marginally better than last week, still a bit of hooligan boinging around but there is some improvement in behaviour so he's getting there luckily they make allowances in the puppy classes.

Vic rode Ali out on a hack today accompanied by me,the dogs and her OH with her broken pony also called Ted it was a gorgeous sunny day and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. I also gave Polo a good groom,foot soak and trim and trimmed Ali's feet too. Yes my back is feeling loads better,I felt things start to improve yesterday so im pleased and reckon i'll be okay to ride mid week the way things are going. Thats if ive not set things back doing too much today but the foot stand takes most of the work out of the trimming so its not too hard going.
The other news is i think im going to have a matching black eye!0
Had a bit of a freak accident tidying up tonight which involved a board falling on my head knocking me down and cracking my eye on the corner of the dog's chair..honestly its unbelievable,infact if it wasnt me i'd not believe it. Its right on the fleshy corner bit and puffed up instantly ive had frozen peas on it, hopefully it will go down over night!
So Jean you might be getting a picture although I doubt this one will be as impressive as the other one was:))


Claire said...

oh dear. you'd best go wrap yourself in cotton wool or bubble wrap.!

and well done buster and ted, on a roll indeed!

Jean said...

Buster and Ted, stars of the show ring!! I have to laugh at Ted's antics, but I should think they would excuse a lot of "puppiness."

What are you doing to yourself, woman? Well do get a picture of this one so you won't forget what NOT to do next time you decide to tidy up.

Meantime, I am glad your "netherparts" are feeling better. Hopefully you are healing at one end, at least. *sigh*

Vic said...

I told you i'd do the other one if you annoyed me again.....:)

Nicola said...

I was going to say im not safe to be let out of the house but I wasnt even out the house!
Honestly its hilarious in a unbelievably warped kind of way,its pretty swollen and black already so my predictions are a bit off its clearly going to be another corker:0
Im not leaving the house till its gone down the horse was a great tale but a housework injury..pathetic!!!!!

Vic you better watch out or i'll give you a fat lip..although you've already got one nanannana.