Friday, 7 November 2008

Doesnt time fly when your having fun!

Barely had online time recently apologies for not keeping up with my blog and everyone else's news.
Last week I was off but caught the decorating bug so was up till early hours of the morning most of the time,my bedroom has been painted from top to bottom and my hallway has nice new wallpaper on it.This week ive been sleeping in a different residence with work and had no internet:0

The weather was pretty horrible most of last week so I didnt do a great deal with the neds,Ali had a couple of hacks and a longlining session in the school.Yes im still going in!:) I havent managed to catch the livery yard owner to find out the facts but ive seen the pony club using it and a few other people from outside having lessons so figured it should be okay unless im told otherwise.The general consensus seems to be,okay well among Jo,M and I,is he's not allowed to hire out the school for money:)
Ive pretty much done nothing this week as its rained most of the time:( Its taken ages to clip AliG his coat is an absolute nightmare so thick soft and fluffy ive done it over 3days and that was only to get a low trace clip!
He's been an absolute star though not batting an eye at me crawling around trying to clip from a million different angles:))

Pup's have had their second vaccination tonight and were microchipped they didnt make a peep though it all,vet said he'd done the other two on Wednesday and they'd screamed the place down!
Tomorrow im off to Scotland for Buster's last show of the year,taking the two pups for more opinions but im pretty certain im keeping the blue dog.Ive called him 'Ted' cos he looks like a teddy bear!:)))Having said that the thought of the other pup going is getting harder to contemplate..NOT that ive advertised him yet!
I cant keep two........I cant keep two......I cant keep two ......I cant keep two......


Jean said...

Uhm....two are more fun than one....two are more fun than one....sorry. Just HAD to say that. *wicked grin*

Wonder if the yard problem was more rumor than truth. Hope it keeps going as it is now and all is forgotten.

Will the judges look at the pups or will you just get opinions from other breeders there. Ted sounds like a potential star, and, if he's naughty, you can always call him "Theodore!!" He'll know right off he's on the trouble list. *G*

cptrayes said...

Good luck!


two ... it's a nice round number :-)

Muriel said...

Oh so hard for the pups!
I gave an ultimatum to my Hubby. I told him that I could not live anymore without an animal companion, so I would get a dog or a horse.
I went to the International horse-fair in Verona, and Dear Hubby asked me if I saw a horse I liked.
Hmmm does it mean he is not keen on a dog?

I am lucky you are away, or I would have come to have a look at your babies ^-^