Sunday, 25 May 2008

Im trying to find the humour in the situation

but im seriously struggling!
find nobody about.I tacked AliG up and took him in the school to look around,I was early so thought maybe they'd gone to lunch.The owner came into the school after about 15mins with a rather puzzled look on her face so I knew something was up.Apparently I was booked into the March clinic,which I not asked for,and they'd just thought I'd not turned up!
They have had strangles on the yard a few months ago so closed it up cancelling the clinics which resulted in dates being re-jigged. Soon as I walked through the door,been out since before 10am till 6.30pm,I checked my emails and i definitely asked for the May and August clinics with the option of June.The list ive since been given of the dates has a different date for May and a clinic in July instead of June..confused?Iam!
Ive emailed clinic organiser either way i wasnt told about the change in dates and I DEFINITELY didnt ask to attend the March clinic I now need to check my bank and see if the cheque has been cleared as this is the stipulation-if you dont turn up at the last minute you still have to pay which is fair enough if you know when your meant to be there!
These type of things only seem to happen to me:((

Im trying to squeeze some positives out of this which are AliG loaded in seconds and although was loud he travelled well.Also although he was all over the place at first and a bit frantic once I let him look around then got on he was lovely and calm,actually he seemed to calm the instant my bum hit the saddle.YO obviously felt sorry for me as she told me to use the school to have a play around for as long as I wanted.My mum said she could see a huge difference in him from the last time she saw me ride him as he was really looking to me for confidence and listening.

So he's had a trip out in the trailer,had a little schooling session and behaved well just a pity ive travelled 100miles all told,used up my favour to borrow the trailer and used nearly half a tank to fuel in the process which is not to be sniffed at with todays prices!
Tomorrow im off to the local county show..all the dogs are entered so fingers crossed it will be a better day..


cptrayes said...

How absolutely totally sickeningly )*(&*()**&&* maddening!!!!!!

And that's the polite version!


Claire said...

oh Nicola, how awful. why don't you pm PMG as well? I'm sure he wouldn't be impressed to hear that you hadn't even been told about the changes, let alone not got the dates you wanted...anyway, something to think about!

a long way to go to use an indoor school and get travelling practice!

Nicola said...

Yep im pretty pissed off about it ive emailed so waiting to hear back,ive got her number but think im bit too annoyed to talk at the minute!Either way even if I got the wrong date the dates have been changed without me being contacted and I definitely didnt want a one in March!

///a long way to go to use an indoor school and get travelling practice!///
isnt it just!
Im really annoyed that I used up my borrowing the trailer 'favour' for nothing so if I want another lesson im probably going to have to hire next time!

Jean said...

OH NO!!! What were they thinking? No one called you or emailed you when you didn't show up in March??? Sorry, but the whole mess shows some serious inconsideration. Likely a bit of an "In house" thing going on there where they forget the people trailering in. Don't blame you for being mad. Hope they didn't take your money and not tell you! G-r-r-r-r-r!!

Well, a good experience for AliG, anyhow. And your Mom saw him go, so that's nice.

I do hope the pups' day will be better. Now, remember, you need to get lost for at least a minute for luck. *G*

Jean said...

What happened at the dog show???

How did it go?