Friday, 9 May 2008

Im almost afraid to say this but..

I think there are signs of real progress with AliG!:)
I was going to ride out with M on Polo then take Alig in the school but YO text asking if tomorrow I could 'nanny'hack out with a girl who's thinking about part loaning the sensitive pony.I thought Polo would be the sensible option for that job(heehee never thought i'd ever say that) so decided Alig would go out on the hack today.
He was MUCH improved he did still have a spell of ears back but it lasted a couple of minutes and they were just 'back' most of the time rather than completely pinned to he head.He really pinned them twice for a few seconds but that was it,I didnt take any sh#t from him at all he got a wallop everytime he so much as argued about going forward.This is the way ive been dealing with him when long reining and I honestly think the penny is starting to drop with him!
M said it was the best she's seen him behave. I also think the fact I didnt get caught up in it and stayed detached and cool helped hugely,at no time did he get a smack from frustration which I can be guilty of as im a little hot headed at times:0
We went down the steps along the track then heading back up the road which is all up hill.He was absolutely pooped at this point and kept grinding to a halt(it was heading home so I knew it was genuine tiredness),I let him catch his breath then we headed back up the steps.He did a little burst of canter to catch Ellie up which completely finished him off his legs seemed to be going up and down but he'd lost the ability to stride out so I got off loosened his girth and led him most of the was home.
It was another scorcher so I bathed him properly when we got back to the farm he was lathered from head to foot plus he still has a fair bit of dead coat I want to get out.
His fitness in the school is reasonable but hills completely kill him he has no stamina but fingers crossed we can start picking things up again.
Im very happy the way things went today.


Claire said...

sounds good! hope polo behaves tomorrow as well!

Jean said...

Long lining is great training. Seems to be working with AliG! Glad to hear you had a really positive ride on him.

Poor kid, though, getting worn out like that. Just goes to show how much growing up he really has to do yet.

cptrayes said...

Oooh, I won't hold my breath, just in case, but that does sound like progress.

It took Scooby and Jazz, both of bigger build, a year to get any real fitness.


Muriel said...

Polo as a schoolmaster ...he is a mature sensible horse now ???

Good for AliG.

The Parelli technique for lazy soul is point to point. you from a to be in a given time, there you rest twice the amount that it got you there.
Then soon the horse will trot from a to b because it means doing nothing. He is also going somewhere.

Loop, circles with lazzy soul really put them off.
They need to go somewhere.
Or you can go from a good patch of grass to another good patch of grass if he is food-orientated.
Soon he will look forward to move on because he is going to go somewhere interesting.

This techniques are for motivation and having more impulsion and to get rid of the pins ears.

IMO a horse should go forward when asked without hesitation. A matter-of-fact gradual cues for forward is normal. With Morgan who was grass-obssessed, I used to cluck, light pressure of legs, wallop with the savvy string ( I did not know I could be more gradual). After a couple of times, just teh cluck was enough.

I am a lazzy soul myself, I do not liek to use strong cues ...

Nicola said...

Wouldnt call him a school master but although he's hot headed himself he usually keeps his head when other horse's are kicking off..strange horse that he is!

The rope circling aka Richard Maxwell is similar you point and swing the rope at the area you want them to yield to (quarters means move quarters over etc)they are given rest periods to 'think' about things.

He is food orientated but I think this would create more problems that it would solve as he'd just think he could stand and eat every blade of grass he sees.
I agree he should go forward instantly which is why im not going to pander to him.
I always click first,if no response he gets a nudge with the legs if still none he gets a sharp not thrashing him.
I honestly think he's responding better to firmness and a no nonsense approach it may back fire on me and if thats the case I'll re think. I suppose my expectations are as long as im fair and not asking something ridiculous from them then they should respect and trust me enough to do what I ask.
That may be 'old school' but in my experience setting clear boundaries and sticking to it usually works in the long run..he's just still figuring things out.
Dont forget ive spent the last 15years working with kids with learning difficulties,many have mmmm lets just say extreme behaviours and I can hand on heart say this approach has always paid off.
Ive lost count of the times different 'experts' come in with new methods to deal with behaviours which have been abandoned cos they simply dont work.Straight forward common sense always wins through imo:))