I'll make it quick as I need to go to bed cos ive got a show tomorrow so an early start.
Had get the blumming vet out on Monday as when I got to the farm AliG's eye was completely closed,no idea what he'd done but I didnt want to risk it.
Vet was worried about uveitis,which had been my first thought,as it looked like he'd walloped it on something,pressure building up and a knock can start this off so he had to have two lots of eye drops 4times a day.
Luckily its back to normal and he's fine and dandy.
Ive done bog all with them this week due to the eye...weather(wet/windy/cold)..and pure tiredness on my part,I need to get myself kick started again soon!
Puppies are doing great they are all now escaping from the box my dad made and my attempts to make it higher have been destroyed:0
They've just had their supper and been outside to do their 'business' so hopefully will settle down soon so I can go to bed!!
and from the look of it it would have been too wet today...
how did the show go then?
How did the show go? ^-^ very curious LOL
I am sure Buster was very good !
Loose puppies!!! Look out house. Hope it is puppyproofed! *G*
I never fool around with eye injuries. That is almost always a call to the vet. Glad it wasn't more serious.
So....show report??????
Whew, close call on that eye!
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