Saturday, 4 October 2008

Show report :)

It poured down all the way to the show and back luckily it was an indoor venue but it did take much longer to get there than i'd thought because of the wet roads.
Buster got fourth which I was pleased about as I always struggle to get placed at the breed club shows he was very good again, think he really has this showing malarky sussed!
I still find it hard to get my head around how several members of the committee can abandon their particular role to show their dogs,I find it baffling,suprisingly (not) they were all 'well' placed:))
There was a lady who'd judged us a few weeks or so ago showing one of her pups in minor puppy,poor thing was terrified eyes bulging in a total panic meanwhile she was determindly trying to make it stand up which involved holding its backend up by the tail!
I felt really sorry for it and was getting seriously annoyed with her.The pup looked like it had never been anywhere before and had seen nothing,none of my dogs have ever acted like that its always been a case of controlling their boisterousness in the beginning.Not a good example of how to show and handle you dog never mind her being a judge a surely supposed to set and example.

I was much later getting back than i'd thought due to the weather but doubt i'd have entertained doing anything with the boys so they got fed and turned back out.The good news is despite my lack of doing anything with them they are slimming down slowly but surely ive not rugged them up to now and am going to hang on a bit longer yet.

Hopefully ive outwitted the pups by heightening the box tonight this time with wood ........


Jean said...

Outwitted the pups? Surely you must be jesting. By morning they will have figured out how to boost each other over the side and the escapees will have built a rope ladder out of torn up chair cushions to let their siblings out.*lol*

Good for Buster. Shows how good handling--unlike that poor little pup--pays off in the long run. Maybe you have finally broken the barrier in the breed shows. That would be great.

Muriel said...

Why don't you become a judge?
Has it never tempted you? I am sure you woudl be ace.

The pupos from hell LOL. What do they do when loose. They eat your shoes, open cupboard? etc ...

Nicola said...

Haha Jean you are so right I can just picture them doing it,luckily it seemed to work last night and they were all where i'd left them.Im sure they will be working out alternative escape routes!
They tend to go for wires Muriel which isnt too safe:0

I dont think i'd be good judge material too outspoken.Not sure I should say too much on a public blog but seems to me the only way to get through the tiers of judging is to kiss lots of butt on the way up and thats not for me:)))